CSER Code of Conduct

The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) at the University of Cambridge is dedicated to ensuring our events create a safe, positive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We ask that all participants at our events adhere to this Event Code of Conduct and commit to reporting any violations of it.

This Event Code of Conduct is a supplement to the University of Cambridge’s Code of Behaviour.


All attendees of a CSER-hosted event should adhere to the following code of conduct:

  1. Be respectful and considerate: Treat all participants, organisers, and speakers with respect and courtesy. Embrace diversity and be inclusive of individuals from all backgrounds. Do not insult, speak down to, or put down other participants or attendees.
  2. Foster a safe environment: All forms of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, or intimidation are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, offensive comments, gestures, or actions related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or religion. 
  3. Maintain professional conduct: Behave professionally and maintain appropriate boundaries. Avoid any conduct that could be seen as disruptive, threatening, or inappropriate in a professional setting.
  4. Respect privacy: Be mindful of others' privacy and obtain consent before sharing or publishing any personal information, photographs, or recordings. 
  5. Use resources responsibly: If provided, use event resources, such as equipment or facilities, responsibly and only for their intended purposes. 
  6. Report concerns: If you witness or experience any behaviour that fails to meet these expectations, please report it to the CSER leadership team immediately (contact information below).


We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants!

Please direct any questions, concerns, or violations of this Event Code of Conduct, including suspicious, disruptive, or harassing behaviour, to:


Attendees asked to stop any inappropriate behaviour are expected to comply with the request immediately. Anyone violating the above expectations may be asked to leave the event at the sole discretion of the organisers without a refund and may be prohibited from participating in future CSER events.