CSER news
Martin Rees on the launch of Sarah Bridle's "'Food and Climate Change Without the Hot Air"
- 26 August 2020
CSER news
Big May Ball Appeal - Coronavirus donates £22,000 to CSER for work on future pandemics
- 12 August 2020
Media coverage
Towards a Postman Future - Martin Rees with The Royal Institution
- 06 August 2020
Media coverage
Martin Rees on The World After Coronavirus: The Future of the Future
- 01 August 2020
Media coverage
Martin Rees on COVID-19, Existential Risk, and Living in the Anthropocene
- 01 August 2020
CSER news
CSER in 'Radical Uncertainty'
- 30 July 2020
Media coverage
Lalitha Sundaram and the Cambridge Testing Centre
- 30 July 2020
CSER news
2 Recent Publications on Existential Risk (July 2020 update)
- 29 July 2020
Media coverage
Science|Business: EU's AI regulation
- 28 July 2020
Media coverage
What could drive humans to extinction?
- 27 July 2020
Media coverage
Martin Rees on the World in 2050 and Beyond for the Ditchley Summer Project
- 16 July 2020
Media coverage
Martin Rees on the Futures Podcast with Luke Robert Masin
- 16 July 2020