The world is “woefully underprepared” for a massive volcanic eruption and the likely repercussions on global supply chains, climate and food, according to co-authors Lara Mani and Mike Cassidy.
In an article published in the journal Nature, they say there is a “broad misconception” that risks of major eruptions are low, and describe current lack of governmental investment in monitoring and responding to potential volcano disasters as “reckless”.
Global media coverage of the paper:
- University of Cambridge: Risk of volcano catastrophe ‘a roll of the dice’, say experts
- The Times: One in six chance of a massive volcanic eruption this century
- AGU's EOS: People Need to Think Bigger About Volcanic Catastrophes
- Sciences et Avenir: Une "chance" sur six qu’une méga-éruption volcanique impacte l’ensemble du climat de la planète, un risque presque ignoré
- Nautilus: Are We Ready for the Next Massive Volcano?
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Tickende Zeitbomben: Forscher warnen vor Vulkanausbrüchen
- L'Express: Eruptions volcaniques : vers une catastrophe avant la fin du siècle ?
- National Geographic Espanol: Es ‘hora de prepararse’ para las súpererupciones volcánicas, advierten expertos
- NRK: Frykter vulkankatastrofe: Som å kaste terning, sier eksperter