The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk exists to study the management of risks that could lead to human extinction or civilisational collapse. This requires CSER's researchers to engage both in fundamental interdisciplinary research and proactive public outreach and impact strategies.
In order to refine and improve the balance between these two goals in an increasingly networked environment, CSER operates a policy of occasional dedicated research days. Researchers are permitted to take a percentage of their time where they are encouraged to ignore e-mails and avoid meetings and other commitments to allow them the space to engage deeply with key problems and challenges. These may be taken as isolated research days or may be clustered into longer ‘micro-sabbaticals’.
If you have arrived at this page in response to an out of office auto-reply from a CSER researcher, please be patient until their research period is over. If your inquiry is urgent or you feel that another member of CSER can deal with it (saving this researcher time when they return to their e-mails) then please contact another CSER team member or